Derek Doar DPAGB
Well, I have now reached the tender age of 75 and have now been involved in photography for over 59 years, printing both Black & White, Colour and B&W Infra-red images.
All those years ago I enjoyed the buzz of creating a new print in the darkroom and even today that buzz of holding a new print in my hands is still there.
For me, the image capturing process is only finally complete when I hold that print in my hand.
I consider myself first and foremost as a landscape photographer, but I do love the natural world.
I have embraced new techniques over the years such as HDR Photography, Digital Infra-Red Photography and Panoramic Photography and use my knowledge to improve the quality of my prints.
I take pride in my printing and my partnership with Fotospeed, as it their range of great papers allow me to see my images at their best.
My main landscapes image come from my love of The Coast, The Hebrides and of course my local Derbyshire Peak District.
My favourite Fotospeed paper is Natural Soft textured Bright White 315.
This paper allows me to display my images at their best by displaying a wide range of tones and colour.
For my Panoramic images I use the Platinum Etching 285 panoramic paper.
You have to see my panoramic prints to see how this paper brings the images to life.
During the Lockdown I have had a Canon 1D Mk4 camera converted to Infra-Red 830nm and my first trials in taking HDR/Infra-red images has been most encouraging. I now just need to get out there.
I normally present my talks as print talks so that my audience can see how passionate I am to produce prints, but due to the current demand for Zoom talks, I now have two Zoom talks that I can offer.
"Your photographic skills and knowledge base was most impressive and I was particularly pleased with your willingness to share it with our Membership via Q&As from the floor." - Alan Lawrence ~ Programme Secretary ~ Wolverhampton Photographic Society

Derek Doar's paper of choice
Fotospeed Natural Soft Textured Bright White 315 Find out more