Known as “The Welsh Dragon” because of her signature on her prints, Margaret’s love of photography began in capturing the Slate Landscapes of her native North Wales. Committed to printing her images, she believed that a photograph is taken with a camera but the image was made in the Darkroom, which changed to the “Light-room”, when she took up the challenge of Digital photography, which has enabled her to print colour and monochrome and enjoy capturing many different subjects, including People, Environmental Portraiture, Travel, Documentary, Nature, Wildlife, Sea and Landscapes, Creative, as well as her main love of Pictorial photography. All these Genres are included in latest lectures hoping to show something for everyone.
A Sponsored Lecturer for Ilford, using their film and paper her first link with Fotospeed was sponsorship to use their Toners. Margaret then became a Sponsored Lecturer in the early days of Digital and has enjoyed their support and friendship for more than 25 years.
Her first two Fellowships were awarded for Monochrome Darkroom prints in RPS Pictorial Section with images of North Wales and Applied Section on the theme “Land of my Fathers”. Margaret followed this with achieving two Fellowships in “Travel” and “Nature/Wildlife” awarded by SWPP (The Societies). An essay on Village Life Ghana was awarded an Irish Fellowship and Master Artist of FIAP. Most recent award “AWPF” awarded for Monochrome Digital Prints “Children of the World”. These projects have resulted in One-woman Exhibitions, in England, Wales, Scotland and Australia.
Margaret enjoys giving lectures, Workshops, Judging, Selecting and presentations to Photographic Societies, Groups, RPS and other organisations at home and abroad, including Ireland, Isle of Wight and Isle of Man, Gibraltar, Belgium, Australia, New Zealand and Singapore.
The advent of Zoom has enabled her to give many talks to Photographic Societies all over the UK, many countries in Europe, India, USA, New Zealand, plus Royal Photographic Society Groups, Regions, and India Chapter. As well as lectures she enjoys Selecting and Judging, presentations at Seminars and doing Workshops with her own images, both herself and with Fotospeed at Printing Workshops, “Choosing the right paper for the Image. Her favourite presentation because she believes “aiming for Distinctions or Awards” gives photographers an opportunity to work towards a goal, results in raising their standard and satisfaction from achieving their aim. Her experience was gained Assessing Panels during twenty years’ service on the LRPS panel, as a Member and Chairman and Team Leader, served on the Applied Panel, the WPF and SWPP distinctions panels, and is currently Chairman of the Disabled Photographers’ Society Distinctions Panel, and a Moderator on Open University Digital Imaging Course, and has served on the PAGB, Awards Panel (awarded APAGB Meritorious Award). This experience as well as Judging and having served as a Selector for many Open and International Exhibitions has led to her running Workshops, Mentoring and helping on a one to one basis, hundreds of photographers achieve their aim. Her latest project is running Workshops “Going for Distinctions and Awards” for the Fotospeed Academy and Disabled Photographers Society.
A member of the London Salon of Photography, Hon. Life V President of Edinburgh Photographic Society, Hon life Member of the RPS (Fenton Medal and Certificate for 20 years’ service) Hon. NWPA, Rhyl PS and Nantwich PS.
Margaret believes taking photographs is a privilege but most of all is the people she meets and friends she has made. She sums up by saying “next to her family and friends, photography is the love of her life”.

Margaret Salisbury's paper of choice
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