Paper choice is one of the most popular questions I get asked and is the trickiest one to answer, as the answer is not straight forward. I am a believer that any image can look ok, however, we are looking for amazing and not just ok, this is where the perfect paper can come in. This blog is the first in a series in which I will be looking at each paper type in terms of finish and texture.
The first type and finish I am going to be looking at is Textured Matt papers and mainly looking at the Hahnemuhle Fine Art Textured papers.
Hahnemuhle produces a full range of beautiful papers which must be held in the hand to truly get the full experience from these amazing papers. This is particularly true within the Fine Art Textured range of papers. The paper within this range is as follows:

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Hahnemühle Albrecht Dürer 210gsm
- Hahnemühle Albrecht Dürer 210gsm is a genuine mould-made paper made from 50% cotton and 50% α-cellulose fibres. The traditional mould-made art paper is refined with a coating specially developed for FineArt applications. The white FineArt inkjet paper does not contain optical brighteners and has a classic, strikingly defined watercolour structure that adds an artistic touch to art reproductions in particular. Combined with the matt premium inkjet coating, this produces impressive FineArt prints boasting vivid colours, deep black and optimum reproduction of detail. The acid- and lignin-free Albrecht Dürer FineArt inkjet paper meets the most exacting requirements for age resistance.


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Hahnemühle Torchon 285gsm
- Hahnemühle Torchon 285gsm is a cellulose-based FineArt inkjet paper with an inkjet coating specially tailored for FineArt applications. The bright white art paper has a clear, coarsely structured felt mark and is characterised by a very special tactile feel. The unique surface structure blends with the images and lends them an impressive three-dimensional effect and sense of depth. The premium matt inkjet coating produces outstanding print results, with bright colours, perfect reproduction of detail and deep black. The acid- and lignin-free Torchon paper meets the most exacting requirements for age resistance and is specially designed for FineArt use.

Hahnemühle German Etching 310gsm
- Hahnemühle German Etching 310gsm is a traditional mould-made copperplate printing paper, complete with an inkjet coating designed especially for FineArt applications. The white art paper made from 100% alpha cellulose is characterised by its extraordinary velvety tactile feel and its fine, clearly defined felt structure. The unique surface texture adds a very special touch to images, highlighting them in all their splendour with impressive three-dimensional effect and depth. The premium matt inkjet coating guarantees outstanding print results with excellent reproduction of colour and detail, deep black and optimum contrasts. German Etching is acid- and lignin-free and meets the most exacting requirements in terms of age resistance. This heavyweight FineArt inkjet paper is one of the most popular paper for FineArt prints and art reproductions thanks to its characteristic tactile feel and surface texture. German Etching ® is a registered trademark in the US.


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Hahnemühle William Turner 310gsm
- Hahnemühle William Turner 310gsm is a traditional mould-made watercolour paper with a coating that is ideal for FineArt applications. The white cotton paper does not contain optical brighteners and is characterised by its unique tactile feel and surface texture. The fine yet highly pronounced felt structure of the genuine mould-made paper gives photographs and art reproductions a striking depth and three-dimensional effect. The premium matt inkjet coating guarantees excellent print results with outstanding reproduction of colour and detail, impressive contrasts and deep blacks. William Turner is acid- and lignin-free and meets the most exacting requirements in terms of age resistance. The characteristic feel and structure guarantees extraordinary FineArt prints and art reproductions with artistic flair.

Hahnemühle Museum Etching 350gsm
- Hahnemühle Museum Etching 350gsm is a natural white cotton art paper with an inkjet coating specially optimised for FineArt printing. This heavyweight textured paper does not contain optical brighteners and is characterised by its high stability. The finely textured surface with fine felt structure lends FineArt prints added depth and a three-dimensional effect. Combined with the pure cotton base, this creates a wonderfully soft tactile feel and artistic impression. The premium matt inkjet coating produces excellent print results. Colours are wonderfully vivid, the depth of the black truly stands out and details are reproduced perfectly. The acid- and lignin-free Museum Etching meets the most exacting requirements for age resistance and is ideal for reproducing photographs and works of art.


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These papers can be found in the Fine Art Textured Test pack on offer from Hahnemuhle and can be found on the Fotospeed website here. They come in two different sizes an A4 pack and an A3+ pack, each containing 2 sheets of paper. Each of the papers are also stamped on the back for easy identification. These packs allow you to find the perfect paper without having to buy a full box.
If you are wondering what subjects would work on all of these papers, in this week's YouTube video Tim has looked at all these papers and asked the question; Which images work best with Textured papers? To watch this new video, click the link below or click here.

So, if you are looking for a new paper to try, watch Tim’s video, get some inspiration, and pick up one of the Hahnemuhle test packs. As always if you have any questions or need any advice, please email us or give us a call.
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