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Why I believe photographing your local area is essential for improving your photography...

Why it's good to improve photography in your local area

Local Area Photography Inspiration


I’m Mali Davies and this is my brief insight into why I love to get out and photograph my local area.

A little about me, I’m predominately a landscape photographer and YouTube video creator based in the North West of the UK. My love for photography and the photography community is clear to see, especially if you watch my videos on YouTube, listen to my podcasts or join my social network, twitter, Instagram, Flickr, YouTube. I run two groups on Facebook, Let’s Create and I See Trees. Let’s Create has grown into a wonderful place to share your photography without prejudice at all skill levels and any type of photography. This brings me nicely into my post here today. Local photography gives you so much confidence you just have to get out and look and don’t forget to share and print at the end of your local adventure!

From your front door to your photographic home in less than 100 steps!


Yes, I can hear the cries, but there is nothing near me to photograph? This to me is the start of a mindset, a different way of thinking. In our day to day photographic world we see big epic scenes most of the time. Social media shouts, look at me! But ask yourself, is this what you want to create? Do you want to improve for when you are faced with an Icelandic breeze and a scene of biblical proportions? Well this is why getting out as much as possible locally really helps you to be ready! 


Learning to see.


I believe this never ends, it’s a forever thing, the more you look around the more you learn to see contrasting scenes, leading lines, patterns of interest all the while gaining compositional mastery. This comes with having accessibility to a place close by. You can get out quickly in all seasons, begin to understand how the landscape changes, oh and it will save you a few quid on petrol. To be out two or three times a week is normally my aim, heading to my local woodland or a walk to my favourite hill and lone tree. This is when the learning to see kicks in. When you go out, does it take you some time to start to understand the landscape? The street scene? To get a shot on the sensor you like? I’ve found by this practise of walking out of my front door to places I know gets me tuned in quicker. I hardly think about settings and I’m grabbing images I’d be proud to print and feature on


Be local sell local.

If you’re photographing areas locally you will at some point have the chance to maybe print and sell your images at a local fayre. Check out the local newspapers and see what events are taking place, or maybe even have your own exhibition. People will be interested in buying images due to the local connection making the photographs commercial within your community.

Fotospeed most definitely have you covered! I have sold more local images than from anywhere else, and printing them on Fotospeed paper gives your photography the stamp of professionalism that sets your images ahead of the rest. I love to use two papers from Fotospeed. Natural Soft Textured Bright White 315 is wonderful for woodland or a strong sunset and also Platinum Etching 285 for a bright coastal scene.

As well as using Fotospeed papers I recommend you use a local framing company putting money back into the local economy. I have a great relationship with my framers and it’s always good to call in and say hello, gain knowledge or just to have a chat about framing your work.


It’s all about connection.

Yeah that word, connection. Yes its true, the more you have your camera in your hand the more you get out the more you will improve your photography. This connection to your photography is easily achieved when you find places close to home. In turn you will feel you want to create more often and produce a finished piece of photography. From camera to paper, I truly believe there is nothing better than completing the creative circle and shooting local gives you time to achieve this.


Don’t give up...

The benefits of staying close to home multiply the more you go out. Exercise, learning your local area, meeting people along the way all go into better mental health. It’s easy to say there is nothing to photograph, that’s fine there might not be on that occasion but you filled your lungs and got away from the stress of the world and work. Turn the news and TV off, get out, go for a walk with your camera, come home, edit and print. You’ll be so pleased you did when you see that final print in your hand.


Thank you for reading and I hope this gives you a boost as it does for me to get out locally, Create, print and be proud.

There’s only one thing left to say and that’s Sithee!


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